Readers Indigestion – Acacia Review Part 1: The Run Down

I’m very excited to finally get this blog up and running, Justin and I have been planning it for almost a year now. I am even more excited that I get the chance to review things which have affected and shaped my life in a very profound manner. These things are I speak of are books.

Welcome to Readers Indigestion!

Something to know about me before delving into my book reviews, is that I love anything Fantasy and Science Fiction so it will be rare that I review a standalone novel. I do, when the occasion strikes, read outside my comfort genre, but not too often. Remember, fantasy is my one, true love so much of the material I review here will be such.

The first book I wish to review on this new site is one I have wanted to read for quite some time now, it has only been recently that I have managed to find a copy of the first book in the trilogy.

That book is Acacia: The War with the Mein by author David Anthony Durham, it is the first novel in the Acacia trilogy. It marks Durham’s first foray into the Epic Fantasy Genre, having written historical fiction up until this point. He was handpicked by fantasies legendary novelist George R.R. Martin to write for his collaborative novels The Wild Cards series. Being picked by an author of such calibre as Mr. Martin tells me that Durham must know what he’s doing as an author.

“David Anthony Durham has serious chops. I can’t wait to read whatever he writes next.”

-George R.R. Martin

Among those who praise his work is my favourite author, Patrick Rothfuss, author of The Kingkiller Chronicle, a must read for anyone who claims to be a true fan of fantasy novels.

“Provides the best of both worlds: epic world-changing conflict and touching character-centered story. What else could you possibly want?”

-Patrick Rothfuss

From the back cover:

“Born into generations of prosperity, the four royal children of the Akaran dynasty know little of the world outside their opulent island paradise. But when an assassin strikes at the heart of their power, their lives are changed forever.

“Forced to flee to distant corners and separated against their will, the children must navigate a web of hidden allegiances, ancient magic, foreign invaders, and illicit trade that will change their very notion of who they are. As they come to understand their true purpose in life, the fate of the world lies in their hands.”

Acacia has won multiple awards and has received so much high praise from columnists, authors, and reviewers, so needless to say I am thrilled to finally start reading it. So, Welcome to Acacia, and see you in 381 pages.

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